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Career Day

This week I had the pleasure of being a guest speaker at the Career Days at B.C. Haney and Hawthorne Elementary Schools. Thank you Ms. Tyler and Mr. Hartfield for the opportunity to “Restore the Village”. I spoke to the students about the importance of teamwork and supporting one another. I encouraged the student to be leaders both from the front and rear. I instructed them to be the type of person that pushes their peers up from behind and will pull them when in front. I charged them to be responsible for themselves, their community and not to neglect your civic duty.

I told them about my time serving as a Naval Officer. The deployment on the U.S.S. Alabama ballistic missile submarine. They learned about the my duties as a young J.O. (junior officer) and pilot. I taught them motivational chants and songs to keep them motivated about their education.

I told them stories about my time working in South Africa with their Economic Development Department and how the poverty experience in developing countries mirror the ills of our society. They learned about my time working with Atlanta and Fulton County Economic Development Department on the Old National Revitalization and Camp Creek Stabilization programs.

In all, it was gift and blessing to be able to join my younger brothers and sisters to help keep them on the right path to progression and inspire them to stand on our shoulders to reach heights never tangible before.

VOTE FOR ME, Monday May 2nd when the polls open for early voting. The election date is May 24th, but get out there early. Eric Bell for Commissioner of District 3 Clayton County.

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