Georgia’s solar-powered PSC candidate meets with Clayton County Democrats
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Thursday evening, John Noel took a short trip to Clayton County and spoke to local Democrats, led by Clayton Board of Elections member Pat Pullar. In a spirited back and forth, he took more than a dozen questions about Georgia Power’s $25 billion Plant Vogtle, base charges, service charges, and deteriorating customer service especially in Georgia’s poorer/rural communities. There is a strong youth movement of politically involved and ambitious achievers who want to see more voter involvement and environmental sustainability in state and federal policies. He encouraged them to check out the knockout video about hi, “Sticking It to the Man.”
With several candidates in attendance, including three for the state legislature, it looks like Clayton County will be humming this year! Here are some of the movers and shakers.

From Left: Junior Jackson (House District 74 Candidate), Nkosi Belle, Eric Bell (Senate District 34 Candidate), Alfred Dixon ( Jonesboro City Councilman), Alina Reeves, Jasmine Bowles (District 4 School Board Candidate).

From Left: Eric Bell, Alfred Dixon, John Noel(Public Service Commission Candidate), Timmy Kinney( Commission District 4 Candidate), Jessie Goree( Distrist 3 School Board)